New patents: Microsoft on AI, Covidien’s AR surgical environment, and Falcon’s AR/VR theme park ride

Patents granted from December 5–11 2018 show that: Japan consistently comes in second to the US in terms of number of patents per assignee country. Japan’s leading assignees are Canon, Toshiba, and Sony among others. Germany lands fourth in the top assignee countries. The top assignees in Germany are Robert Bosh, Siemens, and BASF.
Parola’s Top 5 Christmas Patents

From a snowman making device to a Santa drone — we take a look at patents and patent applications aimed at spreading some holiday cheer!
Last week on patents: New VR patent by Oculus, and Samsung’s patent on holographic technology

Samsung continues to lead in patent grants from the USPTO from November 28- December 4.
Samsung gains new patent on 5G, and see who gets a patent on identifying propaganda on social media

Here are the highlights on granted patents last week, November 14- 20: Samsung and IBM are consistently the top recipients of patents this past week.
Parola Top Patents: New patents on surgical robots, cloud networks and cloud-based services

Here are the highlights on granted patents last week, November 7- 13: In terms of non-US assignee countries, Japan still leads with 820 granted patents. United Tech enters the Top 10 assignees with the most patents granted.
Weekly Patent Insights: Oculus has new patents on AR/VR; Cerner gets new patent on predictive models for glucose trends

Here are the highlights on granted patents last week, October 31 – November 6: In terms of non-US assignee countries, Japan still leads with 820 granted patents. United Tech enters the Top 10 assignees with the most patents granted.
Weekly Patent Insights: Samsung is granted 166 patents; Uber gains new patent on Autonomous Vehicles

Here are the highlights on granted patents last week, October 24-30: In terms of non-US assignee countries, Japan still leads with 820 granted patents. United Tech enters the Top 10 assignees with the most patents granted.
Weekly Patent Insights: United Technologies enters the top 10; Accenture gets a patent on blockchain

Here are the highlights on granted patents last week, October 17–23: In terms of non-US assignee countries, Japan still leads with 820 granted patents. United Tech enters the Top 10 assignees with the most patents granted.
Buy or License Patents: How to build a better IP strategy

In this article, we discuss the various advantages and disadvantages one should consider when deciding whether to acquire a third-party patent asset or embrace licensing as a path towards a company’s growth. Both options have their merits, but which one a company should pursue depends mainly on the company’s circumstances. This is one decision that demands very careful deliberations. Else, choosing the less-than-optimal option for the company could severely impact a company’s competitive strength.
Weekly Patent Insights: Steady lead from IBM and Samsung; Philips secures new patent on cancer treatment

IBM and Samsung continually secure their positions at first and second spots, respectively. See previous week here. Ford, Intel, and Amazon complete the top 5 but with still a significantly huge margin from IBM and Samsung.