Enhance your patent search with AI. Try the FREE AI-powered tool

Patent Search

What is PQAI?

PQAI or Patent Quality Artificial Intelligence is a free, natural-language-based patent search platform. It is an open source, not-for-profit initiative by AT&T and the Georgia Intellectual Property Alliance. Given the vast amount of patent data available, Parola Analytics supports the initiative of improving the accessibility of AI-powered patent searches and data analytics for all. Improving research capabilities leads to better innovations and higher-quality patents.

User Privacy
The patent search tool is completely free. PQAI and Parola Analytics do not keep record of your search queries or search history. For more information on user privacy, read more here.


  • AI Patent Search Engine

    Uses AI to find the most relevant prior art. This AI-powered patent search tool also allows combination prior art search to gain insights on obviousness.

  • AI Powered CPC Lookup

    Generate relevant IPC/CPC codes based on a textual description of the invention to narrow down your search.

  • Group Art Unit Predictor

    Provides the most probable USPTO art units where your patent application will be routed for examination.

  • Concept Extractor

    Extract related concepts based on your search to enhance and optimize keyword strings.

Still unable to find prior art?

Our patent experts can help optimize your search, broaden the scope, and provide claim analysis to pinpoint relevant prior art references.

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2. Parola Analytics does not provide legal services. Our services are limited to research and technical analysis. Any information provided by Parola Analytics should not be construed as legal advice.