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Weekly Patent Insights: Samsung is granted 166 patents; Uber gains new patent on Autonomous Vehicles

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November 6, 2018

Samsung takes the lead this past week in the number of patents granted.

Parola Top Patents

We also looked at the notable patents that were granted in the week of October 24–30:

10111806 | Device for delivering mist to the human face | Philips
Your t-zones are well-covered by Philips’ latest patent. The invention is a facial mister having a plurality of nozzles aimed at different portions of the face. The temperature of each nozzle may also vary for optimal treatment of specific zones of the face.

10115482 | Reflexive education: a method for automated delivery of educational material linked to objective or subjective data | Philips
Health management through proper education is the goal of this invention by Philips. Educational content to achieve a health management goal is provided to a patient based on patient profile and patient input.

10117139 | Techniques and apparatuses for improved neighbor selection in 5G cellular systems | Qualcomm
The race to implement fully-functional 5G systems is on. Qualcomm’s latest patent dabbles in improving neighbor selection in 5G systems. Measurement gap (a time window that the UE is not transmitting or receiving data via the cellular network) is determined based on neighbor cells of the UE.

10112623 | Sensory stimulation system for an autonomous vehicle | Uber Technologies, Inc.
Feeling carsick? This patent from Uber mitigates the risk of experiencing car sickness in autonomous vehicles (AV). The AV provides visual stimulation outputs to the passenger corresponding to the respective maneuver of the AV.

10114818 | System and method for locating bilingual web sites | AT&T
AT&T’s patent crawls the World Wide Web to accurately locate bilingual websites. The system performs a bidirectional web crawl to identify bilingual web sites. The bidirectional web crawl can consider back links and forward links and can further be based on a bipartite graph representing the back links and the forward links.

10115433 | Section identification in video content | A9.com
Searching for your favorite scene and favorite quote from a video became easier with this invention from A9.COM. User interaction with the video content can be used to identify portions of the video content such as quotes, shots, scenes, etc.

10116621 | Method and system for messaging security | Axway Inc.
E-mail security is of utmost importance due to the sensitivity of information carried in the messages. Axway’s invention relates to a firewall specifically for messaging that cooperates with a remote publicly accessible security server to securely transmit e-mail messages.

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