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Smart Eating: The latest in food tracking apps

Food tracking app

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for preventing chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. Traditional methods of tracking food intake often involved manual recording or the use of smartphone apps. These approaches relied heavily on user memory and proved less effective for individuals with cognitive impairments. Recent innovations in food tracking technology […]

2023 U.S. Granted Patents: Samsung maintains patent leadership

2023 U.S. Granted Patents: Samsung maintains patent leadership

According to our data, the USPTO granted a total of 345,344 patents in 2023 (FY 2023, spanning from October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023). In this 2023 Patent Roundup series, we looked at patents granted by the USPTO in 2023 and analyzed the patenting trends of the top 10 assignees. Analyzing patent grants provides […]

Where Cybersecurity meets Machine Learning

Where Cybersecurity meets Machine Learning

With the ever increasing progress in the digitization of our data, processes, and transactions, cyberattacks (in all its related forms) have also increased throughout the years.

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