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Drone Delivery Patent Landscape Report

Drone Delivery Patent Landscape Report

Drone Delivery Patent Landscape Report

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, are revolutionizing multiple industries, with drone delivery services being one of the most disruptive applications in recent years. This Drone Delivery Patent Landscape Report explores the evolving drone delivery services industry, focusing on patenting trends, key players, market drivers, technological advancements, and the challenges shaping the innovation landscape.


Drone Delivery Patent Landscape

From January 2014 to August 2024, U.S. patents and patent applications on drone delivery services reveal significant activity, particularly peaking in 2016.

The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, which enabled civil UAV integration into U.S. airspace, may have set the stage for innovations from the private sector and an increased patent filing activity. In the report, we focused particularly on drone technologies used in parcel delivery, logistics and overall movement of goods. Key findings from the patent analysis include:

  • 1,739 patent filings identified
  • Increased patent filing concentrated between 2014-2018
  • Amazon, Walmart emerge as patent leaders
  • Uptick from startups focusing on using AI to enhance air traffic controls and collision avoidance systems



Drone delivery patents: Top Assignees

Globally, the U.S. and China are leading the patent landscape, representing 42% of patenting activity. Trailing  are Europe, Japan, and Korea. Major corporations such as Amazon, Walmart, and Alphabet subsidiary, Wing Aviation are the top innovators, focusing on improving operational capabilities, efficiency, and safety in drone delivery systems.

Graph of Drone Delivery Patents Top Assignees


Drone Delivery Startups

Among the startups, Zipline has the biggest patent portfolio. Notably, it also holds the highest funding received, and is now valued at $4.2B.  We also look into the patent portfolios of Flytrex, Elroy Air, Droneup, Matternet, and more.


UAV Delivery Industry Challenges

Technological developments are driving diverse applications within the drone delivery ecosystem. However, several challenges hinder widespread adoption. In the report, we explore the following

  • Regulatory and legal hurdles (FAA regulations on operating beyond visual line of sight, etc)
  • Safety, security, and privacy concerns
  • Technological limitations (Energy efficiency, battery life, operating in adverse weather conditions)


Additionally, integrating drones with existing logistics infrastructures and achieving operational scalability and reliability are critical. Economic viability, given market competition and investment uncertainties, also remains a key factor for a more widespread adoption.


What’s in the report?

  • Patenting activity between 2014-2024
  • Top Assignees and their technology focus
  • Top Technology Areas
  • Startups and their patent portfolio, and more


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