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2023 Patent Roundup: US Unicorns

Parola Analytics 2023 Patent Roundup_US Unicorns

2023 Patent Roundup: US Unicorns

Unicorn companies, privately held startups valued at over $1 billion, attract significant investments due to their rapid growth, disruptive technologies, and potential for high returns. But how do these unicorns safeguard their innovations?

Our latest report reveals that only 22% of US startups that achieved unicorn status in 2023 have patents. Notable among these unicorns are Lyten, Gradiant, Our Next Energy, BitGo, and KoBold Metals. These companies are in highly innovative industries: advanced materials, sustainable technologies, energy storage, AI systems for mineral exploration, and cryptocurrency.

For a detailed review of these US unicorns — their patenting activities, the jurisdictions where they seek protection, and analyses of their patented technologies — download our latest report.

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