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Mixed reality patents with the highest forward citations

man wearing VR goggles

The number of forward citations (FC) of a patent has been one of the considerations used when assessing the value of a patent or patent portfolio. Patent valuations are conducted for various reasons, for example, as part of due diligence work relating to a possible company merger or acquisition of a company or the patent […]

Magic Leap’s Little-Known Side: Focus on Healthcare

illustration of VR glasses

After announcing its first commercial product prototype last December 2017, Magic Leap was reported to have finally begun shipping its augmented reality (AR) headsets to a select group of software developers by the end of March this year. More than a week earlier, it also released its software development kit (SDK) to developers. The SDK is designed for its operating system called Lumin OS.3

Magic Leap’s Newly-Introduced Lightwear Mixed Reality Headgear

VR accessories

Magic Leap, after much hoopla and protracted anticipation that later turned into doubts for some, has finally publicly introduced what appeared to be its first commercial product prototype last Dec. 20, 2017. Its CEO and founder, Rony Abovitz, refused to specify a release date or price, but he said the first product version will be available this year.

Top Tech Version_2018: Promises and Challenges

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These are heady times. The recent years have been very productive in terms of scientific and technological advance. After so many decades, we’re no longer talking about the ascendance or preeminence of just one field such as biology, physics, chemistry, computer science, or engineering. Everything is now more tightly interwoven and interdependent. An advance in one field is almost certain to push other fields forward in significant ways.

Magic Leap reveals AR glasses; Here’s a snapshot of their patents

cover imag efor magic leap one

This week, Magic Leap unveiled its first augmented reality (AR) goggles, Magic Leap One. The announcement comes three years after it promised to release a software development kit. On December 20th, the Florida-based mixed reality startup announced that it will release an SDK in early 2018, with the hardware projected to be ready to  ship […]

Microsoft is Top Dog When it Comes to Mixed Reality Patents

man wearing VR goggles

The growing mixed reality (MR) industry is now at a point where it is churning out new iterations of MR-related products and services more often. So, the question which MR system or platform to buy or adopt is one that many people are probably looking at more closely now.

Top Patent Categories Relating to Mixed Reality

graphic render of a woman wearing VR goggles

Most people are probably unaware that applications relating to mixed reality (virtual reality, augmented reality, etc.) have been around since the beginning of the 20th century.1,2 But the technology at the time was pretty much still at concept or proof-of-concept stage than anything else. Nothing of note came out of it until the last few years. […]

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