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Smart Eating: The latest in food tracking apps

Food tracking app

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for preventing chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. Traditional methods of tracking food intake often involved manual recording or the use of smartphone apps. These approaches relied heavily on user memory and proved less effective for individuals with cognitive impairments. Recent innovations in food tracking technology […]

Platform enables newborn resuscitation without cord cutting

Platform enables newborn resuscitation without cord cutting

A patent application from the Netherlands’ Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) describes a medical apparatus that enables the resuscitation of a newborn without distancing it from its mother, while also facilitating delayed cord clamping.

No-cuff blood pressure monitor could provide doctors beat-to-beat data

Most attempts at improving blood pressure-monitoring devices have been variations of the inflatable cuffs that compress patients’ arms. But a new device developed by researchers at the California Institute of Technology could provide accurate, ongoing and noninvasive measurements of “absolute” blood pressure — all without the cuff’s familiar yet unpleasant squeeze.

Philips seeks patent for a system to detect hot flashes

illustration of a girl feeling hot with a fan right at her face

Almost 85% of menopausal women have had episodes of hot flashes, which puts them at a  70% greater risk of heart attacks, angina, and strokes. While hot flashes can be detected by measuring perspiration at the chest area, researchers at Philips went for a no-sweat route and used deep learning to track changes and patterns in heart rate data collected by a wearable sensor.

Building an effective IP strategy for AI

interconnected lines with a cityscape background

As with many emerging technologies, AI raises interesting and often deeply unsettling fundamental ethical, moral, social, political and privacy issues. However, some questions touch on more practical issues relating to patentability

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