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Alice Must Be Revisited In View Of Emerging Technologies

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The increasing convergence of artificial intelligence, the internet of things, robotics and other emerging technologies are expected to generate various novel legal issues that
courts will soon have to grapple with, e.g., the issue of patentability of AI-generated inventions. With the breakneck pace at which technological advances are being generated and broadly adopted, the courts should expect to be asked to address those issues soon and to provide helpful guidelines for dealing with them. Otherwise, the courts risk engendering legal roadblocks or uncertainties that could significantly curb technological breakthroughs and the growth of commerce.

IBM dominates AI patents, startup CognitiveScale penetrates the top 10

graph about AI patenting activity from 2004 to 2018

Artificial Intelligence is an emerging transformative technology that is poised to revolutionize the way we live. The race is on to build AI systems that successfully simulate human intelligence. Companies have begun to recognize the advantages AI can bring into their products and have started pouring investments into research & development (R&D) efforts in the field, investing in larger compute power, and acquiring talent from universities and start-up companies. Notably, the increasing adoption of AI has resulted into a predicted significant growth increase in the AI market, with market growth rate estimates reaching as high as 60% for 2017-2022 [1].

Dear AI Expert: A Few Questions We’d Like to Learn Deeply About

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The following questions relate to serious and often disconcerting artificial intelligence issues that make many of us anxious and unsure about the place where we’re headed. While some of the questions raised were written tongue-in-cheek, the cheeky humor can’t mask the seriousness of the potential perils that AI pose, no matter how many people say that those concerns are overblown. So, please enlighten us and tell us why we shouldn’t worry.

Top Tech Version_2018: Promises and Challenges

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These are heady times. The recent years have been very productive in terms of scientific and technological advance. After so many decades, we’re no longer talking about the ascendance or preeminence of just one field such as biology, physics, chemistry, computer science, or engineering. Everything is now more tightly interwoven and interdependent. An advance in one field is almost certain to push other fields forward in significant ways.

AI learns to help you doodle

Google recently unveiled a new tool to help you make better doodles.[1] When someone doodles in Autodraw, the software’s trained neural network recognizes the sketch and suggests clip art based on object recognition. Autodraw is Google’s newest A.I. experiment. (You can access other live Google A.I. experiments here.) Take for example here, a rough sketch […]

Electronic Health Records: US Patent Activity Overview 2006-2016

graphic about electronic health records from 2006 to 2016

Electronic health records (EHR) have been designed to enable efficient distribution and compilation of healthcare data. EHR is a functional counterpart of all separate physical documents stored for every care-related protocol and clinical event of a patient (including registration, medical history, vital signs monitoring, and laboratory results). With EHR, healthcare providers can easily access and […]

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1. Parola Analytics and Avontis are distinct entities and operate independently. Any references to Avontis or its services do not constitute a legal partnership. 

2. Parola Analytics does not provide legal services. Our services are limited to research and technical analysis. Any information provided by Parola Analytics should not be construed as legal advice.