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Weekly Patent Insights: Samsung and LG lead top assignee list

bar and line graph about weekly patent insights
January 23, 2019


  • Korean tech giants, Samsung and LG lead with the most granted patents from January 9–15.
  • The usual leader, IBM, now ranks third on the list.

  • In terms of non-US assignee countries, Japan still leads with Sony, Canon, Toshiba, Fujitsu and Seiko as the top assignees.


  • A closer look at patents granted to South Korean assignees reveals that 40.54% is on Auto Parts, while Telecommunications Equipment (10.81%), Packaged Goods and Cosmetics (16.22%), and Semiconductors (13.51%) take the next largest shares.


  • As for Germany, Robert Bosch GmbH remains to be the constant top assignee, followed by Siemens, Infineon and BASF.
  • Auto Manufacturing and Consumer Electronics take up the largest shares, both with 21.74% of the German assignee patent dataset. Semiconductors (18.84%) and Biotechnology (13.04%) come in third and fourth spots.


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