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New Patents: Tesla’s smart photovoltaic cells, plus more patents on drones and robotics

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January 23, 2019

Get the latest news on recently granted patents. For patents granted from January 9–15 we looked at Tesla’s smart photovoltaic cells, and zeroed in on robotics and its applications in different industries, drones, and other unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

US 10,181,541 | Smart photovoltaic cells and modules | Tesla
Tesla developed smart photovoltaic cells and modules that eliminate hot-spot effects caused by partial or full shading of cells. This is achieved by using external bypass diodes and ensures continuous charging of the cells.

US 10,179,406 | Humanoid robot with collision avoidance and trajectory recovery capabilities | Softbank Robotics
This dancing humanoid robot developed by Softbank Robotics has trajectory recovery capabilities which allows it to cope with unexpected situations in a human-like manner. This robot avoids obstacles and arrives at its destination while smoothly adjusting its gestures.

US 10,180,685 | Autonomous modular robot | ViaBot Inc.
An autonomous robot developed by ViaBot has modular function for coupling interchangeable attachments to be able to perform a variety of tasks. This robot can do vacuuming, steam cleaning, grass cutting, and may include a lift mechanism for vertical displacements.

US 10,180,346 | Weight measurement system and method using robot | Fanuc Corporation
Fanuc invented a weight measuring robot which can measure weight greater than its weight capacity. The robot also has motion controller and arithmetic processing unit to aid its operation.

US 10,181,332 | System and method for detecting and identifying unmanned aircraft systems | The Aerospace Corporation
Drones have proven to be beneficial in various applications. However, drones also pose threat and danger due to its technical improvements such as delivery of contrabands or destructive devices. In order to regulate drone technology, the Aerospace Corporation developed a system and method for detecting and identifying unmanned aircraft systems.

US 10,179,664 | Dispensing canisters for packaging oral solid pharmaceuticals via robotic technology according to patient prescription data | MTS Medication Technologies, Inc.
MTS Medication Technology developed a system and method for automatically verifying placement of oral solid pharmaceuticals according to patient prescription data. The system uses robotic pick-and-place device to transfer the pharmaceuticals. Moreover, sensors are used for further verification.

US 10,181,152 | Drone based package delivery system | Rao Sanjay K.
A drone based package delivery system is presented in this patent wherein large drones pass packages to smaller drones for faster and more efficient delivery in service areas.

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