Snapchat is patenting augmented reality makeup tutorials
Snap Inc., the company behind the popular instant messaging app Snapchat, is patenting a beauty product tutorial feature that uses augmented reality.
Snap Inc., the company behind the popular instant messaging app Snapchat, is patenting a beauty product tutorial feature that uses augmented reality.
A patent application from South Korea’s LG Electronics describes a robotic guide for airports.
A USPTO filing from UK-based food and dietary supplement company Provexis covers a water-soluble tomato extract (WSTE) that protects one’s cardiovascular system from the adverse effects of air pollution.
A recently published USPTO filing covers designs for a portable cryptocurrency mining system.
Dallas tech company Continual Engine, which offers artificial intelligence-driven accessibility products, is patenting a method for translating image-based math content into more accessible formats like audio or Braille.
The World Health Organization has recommended the RTS,S/AS01 (RTS,S) malaria vaccine for widespread use in sub-Saharan Africa, with the intent of curbing a leading cause of childhood illness and death in the region.
A recently published USPTO filing describes a wearable distress device that emits smoke to give out a person’s location.
EBAMed, a Geneva-based startup, is patenting a compact radiation field imaging device meant to boost the precision of radiation therapies.
Sony has filed with the USPTO a feature for smart glasses that helps find lost objects via time-stamped images.
Quedo, a startup in Minnesota, is patenting a way for patients to remotely check-in at medical facilities, and for said medical facilities to access patients’ data before they arrive.
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