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Published by: Nikko Quevada, Ph.D.

healthorker taking the blood pressure of a man in a business attire

At the Crossroads: Issues and Challenges in US Healthcare

Part of what makes the healthcare industry massive and daunting from a business standpoint is the industry stakeholders’ being not just your typical buyer-seller-supplier combo. The several enormous healthcare industry segments include patients, providers (e.g., hospitals, labs), prescribers (e.g., physicians, clinics and pharmacy clinics), pharmacy, pharmaceutical and medical equipment manufacturers, regulators, and payers (e.g., Medicare and insurance companies). Several of these segments represent separate immense industries on their own (e.g., drug, insurance, and medical device industries). On top of this, federal and state laws and regulations impose strict requirements regarding what can be sold, how products are to be evaluated, who is going to pay for which services, who is eligible for which benefits, who can practice where, etc.

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VR accessories
Augmented Reality

Magic Leap’s Newly-Introduced Lightwear Mixed Reality Headgear

Magic Leap, after much hoopla and protracted anticipation that later turned into doubts for some, has finally publicly introduced what appeared to be its first commercial product prototype last Dec. 20, 2017. Its CEO and founder, Rony Abovitz, refused to specify a release date or price, but he said the first product version will be available this year.

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man wearing VR goggles
Augmented Reality

Microsoft is Top Dog When it Comes to Mixed Reality Patents

The growing mixed reality (MR) industry is now at a point where it is churning out new iterations of MR-related products and services more often. So, the question which MR system or platform to buy or adopt is one that many people are probably looking at more closely now.

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