Taasera Licensing 441 Cover

Taasera Licensing LLC

U.S. Patent No. 8,327,441


This prior art search report presents the mappings of the various elements of claim 1 of U.S. Patent No. 8,327,441 (‘441 Patent), titled “System and method for application attestation”, from assignee Taasera Licensing LLC, published on 04 December 2012.

This patent discloses a method of attesting applications on a target platform. The method includes receiving executable file binaries and security information about the application and generating a report indicating the security risks associated with the application.

Taasera Licensing 441 Cover

This preliminary search report includes the following:

  • References found from the preliminary search
  • Claims mapping chart
  • Copies of the selected references with highlighted excerpts
  • Search strategies used in conducting the prior art search


This ParolaPRIME™ report is not legal advice. The suggested correspondences between the features disclosed in the patent-at-issue and those disclosed in each reference reflect what Parola Analytics believes are technical similarities between those respective sets of features. Parola Analytics makes no representation concerning any legal status or effect that may arise from documents mentioned in this report, such as the validity of any apparent priority date or the assertability of any document as prior art against a patent. You should independently obtain legal counsel before attempting to rely on any portion of this report in a legal proceeding.

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